Nuno Cassola

Nuno Cassola, born in Aveiro in 1984, graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto and completed a Masters degree in Contemporary Artistic Practices at the same institution.

Onboard the Grande Francia freighter, he crossed the imaginary Ecuador Line in May 2012, where he could see everything from its bridge, through a small gray device. A backlit display showed several digits in countdown,  suddenly converting to a rising count as they crossed over.

In 2018, he crossed Jordan by foot, north to south.

In 2019, he co-imagined, co-curated a film festival in the Jordanian desert of Wadi Rum.

In 2016, he co-founded Khora Athens, a community centre in Athens, Greece.

In parallel to his practical activism and intercrossing/intermingling with theme and content, Cassola continues working as a filmmaker and cinematographer.

To date at PACT