Relations & Partners

Alongside the public strand of our programme our work encompasses many practical and theoretical exchanges, discussion formats and other diverse activities that expand on and lend visibility to the fundamental intersections between art, knowledge and society.
Through our involvement with the local community and long-term co-operations with universities, research institutions and international networks, we are constantly developing these formats which we understand as essential resources for all our undertakings.
are part of the ›Alliance of international production houses‹ (Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser) which enables us to develop resources and implement new incentives in partnership with HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin), Kampnagel (Hamburg), Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste (Dresden), Forum Freies Theater (Dusseldorf) and tanzhaus nrw (Dusseldorf). The project is supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
are long-term partners of the Ruhrtriennale for which we present our own programme contributions and act as a host venue.
are part of the theatre network RuhrBühnen which links 11 publicly funded theatres in the Ruhr District.
cooperate with seven other cities in the region within the framework of the Tanzproduzentenkonferenz NRW in implementing the biennale festival tanz nrw.
collaborate closely with diverse cultural institutions in nrw including the nrw landesbuero tanz and the youth dance platform DYNAMO as well as the Cologne based Ensemble Musikfabrik in Cologne, Pottporus e.V. in Herne, and the Folkwang University of the Arts with the Folkwang Dance Studio (FTS) in Essen.
- are a member of the network
were host of the German Dance Award organized by the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland and the Kurt Jooss Prize by the Anna and Hermann Markard Foundation and the City of Essen
are Co-host of the German Dance Platform which he hosted in 2018.
- are member of the Arbeitskreis Deutscher Internationaler Residenzprogramme which brings together representatives from about 20 institutions.
host the Sozialraumkonferenz (social space conference) in Essen City District vi – Zollverein which is made up of 125 representatives from the areas of education, social work, church and police services. We also initiate projects within the framework of the Arbeitskreis Kunst und Soziales (art and social engagement working group) such as the WerkStadt, our independent research and community space in Essen-Katernberg.
cooperate with local players in the urban communities such as the Jugendamt Essen, the Bürgerzentrum Kon-Takt, Mobililitea, the sustainability initiative of the Leibniz-Gymnasium (Essen), BLAUER ELEFANT Zollverein and the Kita Kleiner Pütt.
PACT Zollverein is part of an extensive network of international and regional partners.
Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kultur Ruhr GmbH/ Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet
KVR Essen (D)
Kulturbüro der Stadt Essen (D)
Kunststiftung NRW (D)
NRWKultursekretatriat (D)
Goethe-Institut (D)
labor b designbüro, Dortmund (D)
Premier Inn Essen (D)
Swantje Stephan – Kulturrecht
Triple-x (service), Roland Orlik, Essen (D)
Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.