Christina Hänsel / André Eiermann
... Christina Hänsel (1978) & André Eiermann (1976) studied Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen and Bergen (Norway). They have collaborated together since 2001 on performance projects including the productions 24 songs (Kunsthalle Bergen, Norway, 2002), no more theatre (transeuropa-festival, Hildesheim and Körber Studio Junge Regie, Hamburg, 2003), alpha alpha (plateaux-Festival, Frankfurt/Main, 2004). Since her graduation in 2004, Christina Hänsel works for the radio play and media art editorial department of the Bayerischen Rundfunk broadcasting company in Munich. André Eiermann is a post-graduate student at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen. During their residency at PACT Zollverein Christina Hänsel and André Eiermann explore the consequences of Doppelganger. What happens when two people try to be like one another and do everything just as the other one does? What happens when each person wants to be the other and at the same wants the other to become them?