Detlev Alexander
... studied dance at the John Cranko School in Stuttgart and the Heinz Bosl-Stiftung in Munich. Between 1988 and 1998 he was engaged by the Städtische Bühnen Dortmund, the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Düsseldorf and Introdance in the Netherlands. He turned to freelancing in 1999 and has since appeared in productions by Martin Stiefermann (MS Schrittmacher), Matthew Bourne (Adventures in Motion Pictures, London), Jan Pusch and Joachim Schlömer. As a guest teacher for contemporary dancers he has worked with the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company (Israel), Volksbühne am Rosa Luxemburgplatz Berlin, Komische Oper Berlin, Tanztheater Joachim Schlömer (Basel), Staatstheater Oldenburg, Stadttheater Gießen, Staatstheater Braunschweig, Staatstheater Saarbrücken and Tanzfabrik Berlin. Vinyasa-Yoga / Dynamic Yoga for dancers with Detlev Alexander ... is a dynamic-flowing yoga style in which the yoga positions are fluidly linked together and synchronised with breathing. The style has developed from Krishnamacharya (Ashtanga, Iyengar, Viniyoga) and focuses on breathing and movement, awareness and alignment, strength and flexibility. Student's experience a deep warming energy from fluidly linked Asanas (Vinyasa), strengthening standing and balance postures, upper body and abdominal work, lateral stretches, twists, backbends and inversions. This yoga method is an optimal form of training for dancers as its holistic approach to movement and emphasis on breathing promotes stability and suppleness and reduces risk of injury.