Jörg Keweloh
... was born in 1953 and studied Art and Media Education in his home town of Essen. In 1983 he co-founded the Medienzentrum Ruhr and worked for Kanal4 and as an independent writer and camera man for various television stations. He has taught media design since 1986. His documentary film Abriß won first prize at the Festival Blicke aus dem Ruhrgebiet in 1993. In 1995 he made Alt werden und fremd sein in collaboration with Cengiz Ural-Münch and in 1998 ...ich werde nie wie Deutsche denken... together with Gabi Hinderberger. In 2004 Jörg Keweloh's film Demolition Entertainment won second place in the media category of the Geschichtswettbewerb Ruhrgebiet (Ruhr District History Competition).