IMPACT23 - Sybille Neumeyer: Grounding Meteorology
»This is what a more-than-human politics actually looks like: the careful and conscious attention to the needs and desires of other lifeforms, the acknowledgement of their agency and value, and the willingness to adapt our existing structures of society towards a biocultural existence to better account for all of us.« (from ›global (s)warming‹, a meditative lecture; IMPACT23)
The artist Sybille Neumeyer is centering her post-disciplinary research around the question »How can we reframe observation as care?«. She traces stories of weather and changing climates by following multi-species trajectories. Insects, like dragonflies, as well as shells, birds, and sea lions, amongst others, allow to scale perspectives about the climate crisis down to a very bodily, and further not human-centered, dimension. As living ecologies provide possibilities of modeling planetary processes – in both representational and as well co-worlding senses – they also are juxtapositions to remote sensing, thus building a base for what the artist calls »grounding meteorology«. While examining the techno–logics and data-driven practices of understanding the climate crisis, Sybille weaves non-linear and non-chronological narratives to open discourses about the coloniality of climate sciences, extraction of data, and the need for multiplicities of sensing. Through her methodology of »biocultural hindcasting« she traces the past, present and possible more-than-human alliances that form just and liveable planetary atmospheres.