Katernberg, lass dich blicken!

The new format ›Katernberg, lass dich blicken!‹ (Katernberg, let yourself be seen!) at the WerkStadt is a collection of stories, projects, and experiences from Katernberg. Here in the neighborhood, there are countless small and large occurrences, activities, commitments, and challenges that shape the coexistence of urban society and yet often remain hidden. The WerkStadt consistently engages with district-related topics and gathers impulses from the neighborhood community. At the intersection of art and public space, narratives from Katernberg become visible in the WerkStadt’s shop display window. We regularly open a new window exhibition in coincidence with the ›Neighborhood Lunch‹.
Each edition is designed by local artists from the Folkwang University of the Arts. From the beekeeping association in Katernberg to the history of the ›Blütenzauber‹ florist shop to the engagement of the tenants of the Meerkamp housing estate, the topics are diverse. In addition to the visual representations in various media, the WerkStadt also offer audio formats featuring conversations, background information, or ambient sounds. Everyone is invited to join the discussions on the featured topics during the ›Neighborhood Lunch‹ and beyond. Focusing on our local surroundings helps bring us together!
Do you have an idea for an exhibition topic? Then write to us at werkstadt@pact-zollverein.de.
The first edition of ›Katernberg, let yourself be seen!‹ introduced the Beekeeping Association Essen-Katernberg and Surroundings e.V. on Hegestraße which was founded in 1927. We spoke with Hubert Dewenter, the chairman of the association.
Listen here!
You can buy sustainably produced honey from the Beekeeping Association at the WerkStadt!
The second issue, focused on the florist shop ›Blütenzauber‹ located at Katernberger Straße 15. After 15 years, the shop had to close at the end of 2023 due to financial reasons. As a farewell, we spoke with Monika Iletschko, the owner of the shop, about moments of love, sorrow, and happiness that she and her colleague Bettina Otte experienced with each visit from customers. It was with heavy hearts that they said goodbye to their shop, but not yet to Katernberg.
To mark this occasion, the WerkStadt shop window was dedicated to the florist shop ›Blütenzauber‹ in December. Before the winter break, Monika Iletschko decorated the window with the last flowers from the shop.

Most recently, in February 2024, we showcased the non-profit organization ›Tausche Bildung für Wohnen‹ from Katernberg in the window. ›Tausche Bildung für Wohnen‹ (Exchange Education for Housing) advocates for compassionate and playful educational support in neighborhoods affected by poverty, offering alternative possibilities to the traditional school education system. The window was designed by children at the ›Tauschbar‹ (exchange bar) and will be on display until mid-March.
At the Meerkamp housing estate in Essen-Katernberg, residents have long been actively engaged in trying to improve living conditions. For years, there have been various issues at the estate, partly attributable to the quality of the housing stock. Various actors such as the community centre Kon-Takt, the district caretakers of the AWO, district politics, the tenant association Mietergemeinschaft Essen e.V., as well as the neighbourhood moderation of ISSAB, are addressing the issue to support the tenants. The WerkStadt also engages with this neighbourhood-related issue in its own program. The fourth edition of ›Katernberg, let yourself be seen!‹ is an attempt to maintain the topic at the local level and inform others who are not affected. In the WerkStadt shop window, artist Melwyn Haensch creatively depicts local realities through drawings created at Meerkamp, making the topic visible to passersby.
Regular tenant meetings held at the community centre Kon-Takt, have already contributed to successful networking among tenants. Tenants exchange information with each other in a WhatsApp group. The ISSAB and the civic centre Kon-Takt maintain a list of concerns as a basis for discussions, for example, with the landlord and authorities (such as the housing inspection office of the city of Essen). Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, the tenant association Mietergemeinschaft Essen e.V. advises tenants from the Meerkamp in the community center Kon-Takt between 14:00 and 15:30 h. Registration is not required.
Related press article:
WAZ (27.02.2024)