Symposium for learning activists
Carrying out an exploration means going to a place you know little about. It is an act or instance of outbound discovery or a discovery trip with an open end. “Explorationen 2007 was a response on our part to the trend in education to largely discuss statistics, contents and curricula but not the ›how‹ of learning,” explains Stefan Hilterhaus the artistic director of PACT Zollverein.
The symposium with an appetite for discovery is a model that was developed and held for the first time within the framework of tanzplan essen in 2007.
At the symposium, interested parties, experts and the curious actively examined the subject of learning in artistic contexts – playfully, profoundly and without predetermined conclusions.
“Learning activism is an excellent term for what happens here,” according to science historian Cornelius Borck who has contributed to EXPLORATIONEN since 2007. “Already at the first symposium, the participants were really stimulated. A lot happened amongst and between them.”
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Explorations 2007
Explorations 2008
Explorations 2009
Explorations 2010
Explorations 2011
Explorations 2013