Valeria Graziano / Giulia Palladini
Against a logic of scarcity: on militant abundance

  • Fri 01.10.21 19 h – 20 h

Free admission

Online-lecture: Can either be attended at PACT and seen online.
In English.

Visitors will be required to document that they are either fully vaccinated, have recovered from a previous infection or have been tested negative (48hrs).

Registration for lecture on site

Valeria Graziano and Giulia Palladini will propose a reflection on forms of political imagination and militancy overcoming a logic of scarcity, or more precisely: undoing the dichotomy between scarcity and abundance in contemporary capitalism. They focus in particular on forms of strikes that may reconfigure what operation the strike might be as affirmative imagination of other ways of working, rather than straightforward withdrawal from what is given as the only available logic of production.

As part of Spot On Economies – 1/2/8 Research Forum.

Initiated by Juliane Beck, Stefan Hilterhaus and Livia Andrea Piazza

A project within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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