Barbara Posch ›trans luz‹
Live performance as part of ATELIER No. 64

  • Sat 21.11.20 19 h

Free admission

The video could be seen as part of ATELIER No. 64.

In the field of merchandise management the term ›Just in Time‹ refers to a specific form of inventory management or, in a more general sense, a certain production philosophy. The goal is to eliminate idle inventory and to maintain a continuous and stable flow of goods. Thus everything that is not in motion is scrap or waste. But what if a necessary element (stretch film) of these productive moments (transport) condenses in such a way that it becomes physically massive and heavy, and finally ends up as dead scrap?

In ›tranz luz‹, the transparency of the film has condensed to the point of opacity and the film is no longer transparent. In the production of the sculptural elements, the time-consuming process of wrapping – over and over around the metal construction – and the physical effort required to carry it out stand in opposition to the optimal acceleration of the production processes of competitive companies.

Film: Janik Weu

Audio work: ›Ojeoje, Transluzente Absätze‹ 

Listen to the audio work here

Both works were available during ATELIER No. 64 from Nov 20 - 22, 2020.

Portfolio via Dropbox


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