Mark Sieczkarek

  • Wed 12.04.00
  • Fri 14.04.00
  • Sat 15.04.00

Mark Sieczkarek's maxims for this project are:
›The whole universe is thus a gesture of erotic love, and every dancing molecule is moving in longing for an unseen lover.‹

The Persian poet, Julaluddin Rumi, 

echoed this notion when, 

in the thirteenth Century, he said:

There is someone who looks after us

From behind the curtain.

In truth, we are not here.

This is our shadow.

In the dryest, whitest stretch

Of pain's infinite desert,

I lost my sanity,

And found this rose.

When I am sad, I am radiant

When I am broken, content

And when I am tranquil and silent as the earth

My cries like thunder tremble heaven.

›You could have had anything,‹ you once said.

I laughed. What could anything be

Without you? All the world is driftwood

Thrown up from your sea.

Choreography and direction: Mark Sieczkarek
With: Matthias Brühlmann, Milton Camilo da Silva jr., Telma Cavalcante de Souza, Marie-Caroline Hominal, Hans Georg Lenhart, Eun-Sik Park, Manolo Risso-O-Ricci, Szilvi Széphegyi
Costumes: Anne Bentgens

Sound collage: Thomas Wacker

Light design: Roger Irman

Production management: 
Joachim Goldschmidt

Dramaturgy: Tonja Wiebracht

Ballet mistress: Patricia Kapp

Music: Nina Hagen, David Bowie

›Butterfly World‹ is a regional production by the Tanzlandschaft Ruhr tother with the Ringlokschuppen, Mülheim/Ruhr

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Vollversammlung für das Schöne Leben

  • Sat 15.02.25
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