• Sat 20.04.13 20 h

»(…) Chorus is a masterpiece for the eyes and ears. This is a sensitive show that fulfils our cosmic appetite and makes up for our lack of beauty (…)« 


»(…) as refreshing as a breeze and enchanting as a dream« 


Encounters are a recurring theme in French choreographer Mickaël Phelippeau’s work. In ›Chorus‹ he meets up with the 24 strong A Cappella Choir ›Voix Humaines‹, all accomplished music lovers whom he invites to make dance out of song. Focusing on a multi-faceted interpretation of Bach’s Choral BWV 384 ›Nicht so traurig, nicht so sehr‹, singing silently, backwards, slightly out-of-tune, appearing, disappearing or beating time, the singers shift ingeniously from variation to variation, scene to scene, wonderfully bringing to mind metaphors of our visual heritage. 

Choreography: Mickaël Phelippeau

In collaboration with: Marcela Santander Corvalàn

Performer: Ensemble a capella Voix Humaines

Soprano: Lizza Boitard-Thomas, Agnès Garçon, Laure Leyzour, Françoise Riou, Amélina Rivailland

Mezzo: Jeanne Bardin-Marchesse, Cécile Girod, Marie-Martine Gobert, Anne-Marie Perenes

Alto: Anne Bien, Marie-Louise Heydon, Joëlle Perron

Tenor: André Deletoille, Benjamin Faucher, Yannick Le Bitter, Renaud Mascret

Baritone: Stéphane Debastisse, Jacques Derrien, Jean-Noël Lesage

Bass: Jérôme Blandin, Manfred Blasko, Bertrand Gobert, Jérôme Houblon, Grégoire Jandin

Light: Alain Feunteun

Sound, video: Vivian Demard

Musical arrangement for video: Pascal Marius

Production: bi-p

Co-production: Le Quartz-scène nationale de Brest

Production management: Chloé Ferrand

Executive director: Pascale Dubois

Supported by: Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Centre, Région Centre, French Institute and Spectacle vivant en Bretagne

Thanks to: Maeva Cunci, Garden Gym Brest, Maël Guiblin, Julie Lefèvre, Laurence Potier, l’équipe du Quartz

Presented in the framework of the TRANSFABRIK project 

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