Claiming Common Spaces: Earth. Panel #2 Extractivism with Daniel Kötter, Louise Wagner and Nabil Ahmed
Conceived by Maximilian Haas

  • Fri 24.06.22 17 h – 18:30 h

Free admission

In English

The exploitation of earthly resources plays a decisive role in ecopolitics. And it does so both in fossil capitalism and in the “green” alternatives of it, as energy transition increases the demand for mineral resources and rare earths. These forms of extractivism are embedded in aggressive geopolitics that require new methods of epistemic, forensic, and activist practice. How can aesthetic practices uncover these crimes against humans and natures and intervene politically? Daniel Kötter (Berlin) is an international documentary film and theater director who has recently completed a series of spatial performances and 360° films about the landscapes and social consequences of extractivism in Germany, West Papua, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Estonia. Nabil Ahmed (Trondheim) is a transdisciplinary researcher and writer working at the interface between spatial practice, visual culture, and environmental science who investigates and advocates for the criminalization of ecocide in international law. Louise Wagner (Berlin) is a sociologist and environmental activist at Ende Gelände, where she focuses on raising awareness of the colonial continuities perpetuated by current gas expansion, and at Debt for Climate, which demands debt cancellation to finance a just transition in countries of the Global South.

In English
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Im Rahmen von Claiming Common Spaces IV - Cool Down sind von 12 – 19 Uhr immer zur vollen Stunde die 360° Filmscreenings WATER & COLTAN und GOLD & COAL von Daniel Kötter zu sehen. 

The discursive program Claiming Common Spaces: Earth is curated and moderated by Maximilian Haas.

What does the ongoing climate crisis and destruction of the environment mean for our way of life and our self-image as human beings, for our approach to planetary values and relationships? And how can the arts transform our knowledge systems and actions? The discourse program ›CCS IV: Earth‹ examines these questions with artists, theorists and activists. The topics they’ll be addressing include the role of aesthetics in the modern separation of nature and culture, resource extraction in the Ruhr, the Global South, and the deep sea, feminist practices of care in contemporary performance, and indigenous cosmologies.

With Nabil Ahmed, Denise Ferreira da Silva (within the framework of Burning Futures: On Ecologies of Existence / HAU Hebbel am Ufer #14), Catalina Insignares, Daniel Kötter, Bojana Kunst, Carolina Mendonça, Melanie Sehgal, Margarita Tsomou.

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