Claiming Common Spaces: Earth Panel #4 Care with Bojana Kunst, Catalina Insignares und Carolina Mendonça
Conceived by Maximilian Haas

  • Sat 25.06.22 20:30 h – 22 h

Free admission

In English 

In light of the ecological crises and precarious living conditions of our time, feminist care practices have moved to the center of political and performative action. How do these practices relate to human and non-human bodies, to life and death? And how can these relations be organized differently in and through the arts? Bojana Kunst (Frankfurt am Main/Giessen) is a philosopher, dramaturg, and performance theoretician, whose new book analyses the contradictions of care through the lens of feminist and decolonial thought. Catalina Insignares (Paris) and Carolina Mendonça (Brussels) began collaborating in 2014 while studying choreography and performance in Giessen. The body and the extrasensorial have become central tools for asking questions of the world from the corner where their window is.

In English 

The discursive program Claiming Common Spaces: Earth is curated and moderated by Maximilian Haas.

What does the ongoing climate crisis and destruction of the environment mean for our way of life and our self-image as human beings, for our approach to planetary values and relationships? And how can the arts transform our knowledge systems and actions? The discourse program ›CCS IV: Earth‹ examines these questions with artists, theorists and activists. The topics they’ll be addressing include the role of aesthetics in the modern separation of nature and culture, resource extraction in the Ruhr, the Global South, and the deep sea, feminist practices of care in contemporary performance, and indigenous cosmologies.

With Nabil Ahmed, Denise Ferreira da Silva (within the framework of Burning Futures: On Ecologies of Existence / HAU Hebbel am Ufer #14), Catalina Insignares, Daniel Kötter, Bojana Kunst, Carolina Mendonça, Melanie Sehgal, Margarita Tsomou.

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