On the current situation / Information for artists

  • Thu 12.03.20

Information on support and links to further resources for artists

North Rhine-Westphalia

Landesverbände in NRW (state associations) offer comprehensive advice, collect and disseminate information in the cultural sector (artists - administration - interest groups – state politics):

nrw landesbuero tanz e.V.

NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste e.V.


Federal level (Bund) 

Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. (The German Association of Independent Performing Arts) provides information on a federal level.

The Alliance of International Production Houses compiles resource links from its seven member houses and thus gives access to information, guidelines and policies in other federal states.


The Network on the move collects information worldwide.

Funds and programmes

Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media: rescue and support package »Neustart Kultur«

The emergency federal funding programme for dance that is being jointly developed and managed by Diehl+Ritter, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V. and Joint Adventures / Nationales Performance Netz is part of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media’s rescue and support package “Neustart Kultur”. 

With a total of 20 million Euro emergency funding for the German dance scene, the programme is made up of three core strands: TANZPAKT RECONNECT aims to strengthen dance infrastructure and institutions to secure their future success, DIS-TANZEN offers study grants for self-employed solo dance artists and incentives for dance schools and cultural organisations to expand their creative learning programmes, and STEPPING OUT supports the development, production and distribution of dance in new spaces. Candidates can apply for funding from only one of these programmes per project.

Detailed information and application forms (Deadline 15.09.2020) can be found here:




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