›DNA positiv DNA negativ – Open Workshop‹

  • Sat 13.07.19 11 h – 13 h

Free admission


The Transnational Ensemble Labsa sees itself as a transfer point for cultural know­-how and learning-­how and aims for a »direct transmission of life into theatre and from theatre into life«. True to this principle, Labsa offers an open workshop on DNA and online genealogy research: For 65 € people can have their (supposed) genetic origin tested by companies such as My Heritage with a DNA test — their personal genetic make-­up can be, in a sense, ›mapped‹. Some members of the Labsa ensemble have taken advantage of this opportunity. Others have decided against it. They are DNA tourists in search of their own selves. In the course of their DNA research, the ensemble invites you to join them on a sensual, aesthetic and personal journey towards your own and other chromosomes. Decolonize yourself!

Artists: Seratu Bah, Yacouba Coulibaly, Haptom Fesaha, Amir Hosseini, Eymen, Zofia Bartoszewicz, Emilia Hagelganz, Felix Peter, Josephine Raschke, Betty Schiel, aniYo kore

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