Forensic Architecture
›Forensic aesthetics and counter cartographies‹

  • Sat 10.11.18 20 h – 21 h

Lecture in the context of IMPACT18

Free admission

Forensic Architecture (FA) is both the name of the agency established in 2010, and a form of investigative practice into state violence and human rights violations that traverses architectural, journalistic and legal fields. Grounded in the use of architecture as an analytic device, the agency has in recent years developed a host of new evidentiary methods that respond to the changing media landscape – exemplified in the widespread availability of digital recording equipment, satellite imaging and platforms for data sharing. It has worked closely with communities affected by acts of social and political violence, alongside NGOs, human rights groups, activists, and media organisations.

Forensic Architecture has and continues to propose new modes of open-source, citizen-led evidence gathering and activism. This lecture presents a selection of recent investigations undertaken by the agency into incidents occurring in different contexts worldwide. 

In English

Further information about IMPACT18

Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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