›Furniture making workshop‹

Free admission

In a 2-day workshop, students of the Folkwang University of the Arts team up with interested local participants to design and build wooden seating furniture. In addition to practical exercises in design and craftsmanship, they will also approach historical cultural and theoretical aspects of the topic of 'sitting'. The goal of the workshop is for each team to design one individual piece of seating furniture. 

More Events
  • Fri 06.12.24 20 h
  • Sat 07.12.24 20 h

Julio César Iglesias Ungo / Hans van den Broeck / Ben Frost / Urban Arts Ensemble Ruhr / Danza Contemporánea de Cuba

World premiere
  • Thu 12.12.24 20 h
  • Fri 13.12.24 20 h

Wen Hui / Living Dance Studio
New Report on Giving Birth

  • Sat 14.12.24 19 h

Letters to Your City

Free admission