Janne Gregor
Ich kann´s nicht lassen

  • Tue 04.06.24 09:30 h
  • Tue 04.06.24 11 h
  • Tue 04.06.24 15 h

For people aged 6 and older

Duration: 60 mins.

Please note that our catering is not open during the performances of ›Ich kann`s nicht lassen‹. You are welcome to bring your own food and drinks and consume them in our foyer.

Tickets 09:30 h Tickets 11:00 h Tickets 15:00 h

Participation is the driving force behind the performance ›Ich kann’s nicht lassen‹. Children and adults join four dancers on stage to collectively delve into the dance style Krump and actively shape the unfolding of the piece. Together, they engage in a choreographic game developed by Janne Gregor in collaboration with Krump professionals and multiple Berlin school classes.

Krump originated as an Afro-diasporic dance culture on the streets of L.A., rooted in a rebellion against social inequality and discrimination. The Krump community fosters a sense of belonging, emphasizing self-expression and mutual support.

Production: Janne Gregor Produced by: TANZKOMPLIZEN with tanzhaus NRW

Artistic direction, Choreography: Janne Gregor From an with: Queen Buckhype, Iman Gele, Kofie DaVibe, Baby Wave Music: Moritz Thorbecke, BravoDomo Stage, Costume: Johanna Schraut Light: Luigi Kovacs Dramaturgy: Thomas Schaupp Assistance choreography and production: Lena Klink Dance education: Amelie Mallmann, Lucia Matzke Outside eye: Livia Patrizi
Audio editiing: Matthias Millhoff Production management: Sina Kießling, Thomas Dörschel Rights: TANZKOMPLIZEN - Tanz für junges Publikum

Supported by Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as part of the funding programme ›Das Zukunftspaket für Bewegung, Kultur und Gesundheit‹ and take-off: Junger Tanz. The Future Package for Physical Activity, Culture and Health is a programme of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). It is implemented by the Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung (gsub) and the Stiftung SPI.  Responsible for the ›Kinder- und Jugendbeteiligung im Zukunftspaket‹ is the Deutschen Kinder- und Jugendstiftung (DKJS).  

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