Lia Rodrigues

  • Thu 18.08.22 20 h
  • Fri 19.08.22 20 h
  • Sat 20.08.22 20 h
  • Mon 22.08.22 20 h

The evening is a powerful transformation of the fear of failure in the struggle for survival – defying the threats to humans and nature.

Lia Rodrigues transforms the stage at PACT Zollverein into the blooming, magical world of the encantados: creatures who, according to Indigenous beliefs, roam between heaven and earth, sand dunes and cliffs, even between humans and animals, and enliven these with their mystical powers. The opposites they are caught between are made visible on stage. Using very simple means, carnival-like images form between dance and ritual. Hundreds of brightly-coloured and patterned quilts from the markets of Rio de Janeiro clothe and transform the naked bodies of the dancers. Their physical presence combines movement with powerful facial expressions and they step out repeatedly from the collective, either alone or in small groups. The performance is driven by music from the Indigenous Mbyá Guarani people: repetitive rhythms that were sung on Brazil’s streets last year as a song of resistance by the Indigenous population. The evening is a powerful transformation of the fear of failure in the struggle for survival – defying the threats to humans and nature.

Lia Rodrigues is one of Brazil’s most important artistic voices. She founded the Companhia de Danças in the biggest favela of Rio de Janeiro, with whom she has toured, leading theatres all over the world.

Hosted by PACT Zollverein for the Ruhrtriennale.

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Creation: Lia Rodrigues, Assistant Choreography: Amalia Lima, Dramaturgy: Silvia Soter; Artistic Collaboration & Images: Sammi Landweer, Lighting Design: Nicolas Boudier, Stage Management: Magali Foubert, Baptistine Méral, Sound Design: Alexandre Seabra, International Booking: Colette de Turville, Production Coordinator: Astrid Toledo, Administration: Jacques Segueilla, Production: Brazil Gabi Gonçalves & Corpo Rastreado, Production Projekt Goethe Institut: Claudia Oliveira, Secretary: Gloria Laureano, Teachers: Amalia Lima, Sylvia Barretto & Valentina Fittipaldi 

Danced and Devised in direct Collaboration by: Leonardo Nunes, Carolina Repetto, Valentina Fittipaldi, Andrey Da Silva, Larissa Lima, Ricardo Xavier, Joana Lima, David Abreu, Matheus Macena, Tiago Oliveira, Raquel Alexandre

Co-produced by: Chaillot - Théâtre National de la Danse , Le CENTQUATRE, Festival d’Automne, Scène nationale Carré-Colonnes, Le TAP - Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers, Scène nationale du Sud-Aquitain, La Coursive, Scène nationale La Rochelle, L’Empreinte, Scène nationale Brive, 
Théâtre d’Angoulême Scène Nationale, Le Moulin du Roc, Scène nationale à Niort, La Scène Nationale d’Aubusson, l’OARA - Office Artistique de la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine,
Le Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Theaterfestival Basel, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Festival Oriente Occidente, Theater Freiburg, Julidans, Teatro Municipal do Porto /Festival DDD - dias de dança and Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças 

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