
Free admission

The Arbeitskreis Kunst & Soziales and the WerkStadt / PACT invite you to share a lunch break together. Every second Thursday of the month, the WerkStadt turns into a space for a collegial lunch time exchange. Various cooks from our teams take it in turns to prepare and serve the menu. 

Please register by sending an e-mail to werkstadt@pact-zollverein.de. A small cost will apply to cover the food expenses.

More Events
  • Sat 07.09.24 19 h
  • Sun 08.09.24 16 h
  • Sun 08.09.24 19 h

Romano Than / Orpheus XXI / The Remains / Tomasz Prasqual / Ivo Van Hove
Unlocking Paradise – Protokolle aus’m Pott

Ruhrtriennale World premiere
  • Fri 13.09.24 20 h
  • Sat 14.09.24 20 h

Marlene Monteiro Freitas
Guintche (Live Version)

Ruhrtriennale German premiere
  • Fri 20.09.24 20:30 h
  • Sat 21.09.24 20 h