Alma Söderberg / Cullberg

  • Fri 09.12.22 20 h
  • Sat 10.12.22 20 h

Presale 15€ / red. 10€
Box office 20€ / red. 15€


»The world in which I have lived until now idolizes power and force, muscle and health, vigor and lucidity. Syncope opens onto a universe of weakness and tricks; it leads to new rebellions.«
– Catherine Clément

The meeting between dance and music, voice and rhythm, is central in Alma Söderberg’s new work ›Noche‹, in which exploration takes a new form. At the same time slow and sudden, constantly recurring but nevertheless unpredictable, the night is a soft break with its own rhythm. The moonlight is at once sharp and confusing, the ground under one’s feet different. Nothing can be taken for granted, attention is increased.

The night is the starting point for a different kind of music and dance, more uneven in its rhythm, more risky, at the same time soft, warm and dark. With its pastel colored and blurred edges, ›The Listeners‹ is an evening work. Where it ends, ›Noche‹ starts. From a soft web of several voices and movements, towards the cut, the interruption, the syncope.

Learn more: Interview with Alma Söderberg, Hendrik Willekens and Gabriel Smeets, former artistic director of Cullberg

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Choreography: Alma Söderberg Music: Dehendrik Lechat Willekens, Costume: Behnaz Aram Lighting design: Pol Matthé Dramaturgy: Igor Dobričić Artistic advise: Anja Röttgerkamp Rehearsal director: Jeanine Durning Dancers: Adam Schütt, Anna Fitoussi, Camille Prieux, Eliott Marmouset, Johanna Tengan, Katie Jacobson, Louise Dahl, Mohamed Y. Shika, Unn Faleide, Víctor Pérez Armero

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