Paula Pin
›Biotranslab _ transOrgansOnChip!‹

  • Fri 12.07.19 10 h – 13 h

Free admission


Transhackfeminist researcher and performer Paula Pin combines the use and development of free and collective technologies with an experimental research. In 2017 she launched a workshop at CERN (Geneva) dedicated to the idea of its title ›Trans.Organ.on.a.Chip‹. The notion of an ›organ on a chip‹ describes the microscopic, technological replication of an organ, which can be simulated through biological reactions that take place in in-­vitro conditions. This is integrated into an experimental set-­up during the workshop. Included are human­plant cells, hormones and cyanobacteria extracts, which are discussed in terms of their potential as an alternative resource for energy production. Paula Pin expands our ideas in terms of how these materials might potentially be used. She also examines the cyano­ bacteria Spirulina for possible pharma­ceutical applications. Together with the participants, Paula Pin explores avenues for opening up processes in biotechnology to include emancipatory and queerfeminist concerns. Can the functional operations of ›green chem­istry‹ lead to an alternative perspective on prevailing medical processes and the Western concept of science?


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Experimental platform for the arts