Romano Than / Orpheus XXI / The Remains / Tomasz Prasqual / Ivo Van Hove
Unlocking Paradise – Protokolle aus’m Pott

  • Sat 07.09.24 19 h
  • Sun 08.09.24 16 h
  • Sun 08.09.24 19 h

Language: In Germa & Arabic

Duration: 60 mins.


Paradise — fulfillment, utopia or a construct? In ›Unlocking Paradise‹ a Sinti:zze-Rom:nja children and youth dance company, an international choir with roots in the Middle East and a transgenerational theatre group enter into dialogue. Accompanied by one actor and two musicians, they tell their stories. Personal biographies and reflections about paradise are interwoven in a polyphonic fabric. The associative theatre piece developed by Tomasz Prasqual and directed by Ivo Van Hove presents the Ruhr region in its diversity and creates space for intercultural dialogue.

Director: Ivo Van Hove Idea, concept, dramaturgy: Tomasz Prasqual, Co-concept, choreographic support: Jelena Ivanovic Set design, lighting, video: Bart Van Merode Costume design: Gesa Gröning Artistic direction: The Remains - transgenerational theatre group, Miriam Michel Musical direction: Orpheus XXI, Rebal Alkhodari Direction: Romano Than e.V., Elena Preduca, With: Harriet Kracht (acting), Maren Lueg (saxophone, Nay flute), Firas Kayali Rifai (accordion), Romano Than, Orpheus XXI, The Remains - transgenerational theatre group, Artistic Production Management Ruhrtriennale: Alina Mathiak Technical Project Management Ruhrtriennale: Helmut Schandl Technical project management Ruhrtriennale: Gerd Jordan, Ralf Mittag, Daniel Neffgen, Simon Pelzer, Adam Petrenko, Len Pichler, Marcel Reidock Costume Ruhrtriennale: Asena Yesim Lappas

Produced by Ruhrtriennale. With the kind support of RAG-Stiftung. Funded by the Stiftung Mercator.

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