Philipp Gehmacher
solo with Jack

  • Thu 11.10.12 20 h

What was before language? Do we live in citation? Are there alternatives?

In his new work ›solo with Jack‹, Philipp Gehmacher is initiating a research process with himself: in his lecture performance ›walk & talk‹ he discovered that by using speech alongside his ›stuttering movements‹ he arrived at a parallel expression of verbal and physical vocabulary and at a new position in relation to the audience that stems from the state of tension between autonomy and the desire to participate. Against the background of this development, in ›solo with Jack‹ he combines concrete storytelling with abstract, formalised bodies and explores the boundaries and horizons of meaning. Together with artist Jack Hauser, Gehmacher is again collaborating with visual artist Vladimir Miller. As in their last collaboration the installation-based trio ›in their name‹, objects casually found on stage as well as specifically created objects become sculptures by means of their positioning in the space.

Concept, performance, sound: Philipp Gehmacher
Performance: Jack Hauser
Stage, dramaturgy, sound: Vladimir Miller
Light: Jan Maertens
Technical: Monika Gruber
Production: Stephanie Leonhardt
Production assistant: Angela Bedekovic
Stage assistant: Alina Huber
Sound assistant: David Kammann

Featuring excerpts from Franz Schubert’s Symphonies No.8 and No.9, film music by Mihály Víg from ›The Man from London‹ directed by Béla Tarr and text quotes from Adele Adkins, Franz Kafka, Chris Marker and Wolfgang Tillmans

Production: Mumbling Fish
Co-producers: ImPulsTanz (Vienna), PACT Zollverein (Essen), Kaaitheater (Brussels)

Philipp Gehmacher / Mumbling Fish is supported by the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna


28.02.2013, Kaaistudios, Brüssel (BE)
27.02.2013, Kaaistudios, Brüssel (BE)
11.10.2012, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
25.07.2012, Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz, Wien (AT)
23.07.2012, Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz, Wien (AT)

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