Luiza Prado de O. Martins
›A Topography of Excesses‹

  • Moderation: Fabian Saavedra-Lara
  • Lecture
  • Sat 13.07.19 14:30 h – 15:30 h

Free admission

In her most recent artistic research, Luiza Prado de O. Martins investigates the technologies of birth control in relation to colonial processes in the production of race, gender and sexua­lity. She discusses to what extent the excesses attributed to marginalized social groups by eurocentric notions of the body, knowledge, sexuality and subjectivity are fundamentally tied to colonial acts of violence. In her project the artist proposes a reframing of history that subverts and rejects colonial narratives and proposes instead to nurture conversations about the medicalization of bodies, notions of ›radical care‹, the poetic dimensions of herbal remedies and a re­centering of indi­genous and folk knowledges.

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