Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods / Münchner Kammerspiele

  • Thu 17.09.15 20 h
  • Fri 18.09.15 20 h
  • Sat 19.09.15 20 h
  • Sun 20.09.15 20 h

Meg Stuart, a regular guest at PACT, is one of the most influential choreographers of the last two decades. After taking her own artistic and personal biography as a starting point for her solo work ›Hunter‹, she now draws inspiration from people who retreat from the real world and construct their own, fantastic set of rules. As ›freaky insiders‹ forced to connect in uncomfortable yet playful ways, Stuart’s six performers and three musicians find themselves in a place that is both a nightclub and an arena: an unreliable, high-octane refuge, a place of desire and illusion. To the sound of throbbing basses and jazz trumpets, they make optimistic attempts to meet impossible deadlines. Navigating between naivety and despair, they are dreamers who long for reality. In a world in which they fade away and disappear, they feel the urge to seek new forms of appearance.

Choreographie: Meg Stuart
Kreiert mit und performt von: Neil Callaghan, Jared Gradinger, Leyla Postalcioglu, Maria F. Scaroni, Claire Vivianne Sobottke, Kristof Van Boven
Musik: Paul Lemp, Marc Lohr, Stefan Rusconi
Dramaturgie: Jeroen Versteele
Licht: Jurgen Kolb
Bühne: Doris Dziersk
Kostüme: Nadine Grellinger
Choreographische Assistenz: Francisco Camacho
Produktionsmanagement: Sabrina Schmidt
Tourmanagement: Annabel Heyse
Technische Einrichtung: Oliver Houttekiet
Assistenz Szenographie: Giulia Paolucci
Assistenz Kostüm: Davy van Gerven
Künstlerische Assistenz: Igor Dobricic

Produktion: Damaged Goods & Münchner Kammerspiele
Koproduktion: PACT Zollverein (Essen), Ruhrtriennale – Festival der Künste

Meg Stuart & Damaged Goods werden unterstützt von der Flämischen Regierung und der Flämischen Gemeinschaftskommission

Veranstaltet von PACT Zollverein für die Ruhrtriennale

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Experimental platform for the arts