Alexander Schubert

Alexander Schubert (*1979) studied bioinformatics, multimedia composition. He’s a professor at the Musikhochschule Hamburg.
Schubert’s interest explores the border between the acoustic and electronic world. In music composition, immersive installation and staged pieces he examines the interplay between the digital and the analogue. He creates pieces that realize test settings or interaction spaces that question modes of perception and representation. Continuing topics in this field are authenticity and virtuality. The influence and framing of digital media on aesthetic views and communication is researched in a post-digital perspective. Recent research topics in his works were virtual reality, artificial intelligence and online-mediated artworks.
Schubert is a founding member of ensembles such as “Decoder“.
His works have been performed more than 700 times in the last few years by numerous ensembles in over 30 countries.

To date at PACT
  • Fri 29.09.23 20 h
  • Sat 30.09.23 20 h