#5 In Katernberg
Monday Cinema
- Mon 19.06.23 19 h
Free admission
23mins, in German
Registration: werkstadt@pact-zollverein.de
Entrance 18 h, Start 19 h
Viktoriastraße 5
45327 Essen
The theme of »Living as a Migrant« has preoccupied the director of the film, Zauri Matikashvili, for some time. Many people in the Katernberg district of Essen experience racism. They are discriminated against when looking for an apartment or a job or at school. A foreign-sounding last name can be enough to be labeled a criminal. Nonetheless, people from immigrant families often succeed in making the north of Essen their home. They tell of their family stories and of life in a former mining area that is undergoing rapid change.
Direction: Zauri Matikashvili, 2022, 23mins, in German
Zauri Matikashvili will be present for a discussion at the WerkStadt after the film.
Registration for all Monday Cinema evenings at: werkstadt@pact-zollverein.de