• Fri 16.07.04 20 h
In 99 Duos, Jean-Claude Gallotta mixes couples of all ages, both anonymous amateurs and professional dancers, to disclose with touching freshness 99 ways of exalting love and evading solitude. Gallotta is a master of subtlety and his spirit of observation, his imagination, his love of others, forge this 75 minute choreography and reveal how dance bursts forth from everyday life, from a hug, from a hand that searches another.
»Perhaps as the song at the end says ›there is no happy love‹, but there is a lot of happiness to be had in seeing 99 Duos by Jean-Claude Gallotta«. Marie-Christine Vernay in Libération, Mai 2002

Choreography Jean-Claude Gallotta
Choregraphic artists: Jean-Claude Gallotta, Ludovic Galvan, Benjamin Houal, Yannick Hugron, Ximena Figueroa, Hee-Jin Kim, Kae Kurachi, Massa Sugiyama, Thierry Verg

Actor: Philippe Chambon

Assistant choreographer and coach: Mathilde Altaraz

Dramatist: Claude-Henri Buffard

Text: Angela Nissim

Set design: Daniel Jeanneteau

Light: Marie-Christine Soma

Costumes: Jacques Schiotto

Original music: Groupe Strigale

Video: Raymonde Couvreu

Rehersals bit players: Barbara Cleff

Bit players: Rüth Aetzler, Martina Candelo, Andreas Döring, Andrea Dunsmore, Ingolf Groth, Anke Herrgesell, Yasmin Özbey, Dieter Pung, Frank Wessiepe, Michael Zamhöfer

Production: Centre Chorégraphique National de Grenoble, Théâtre National de Chaillot, Paris and Le Cargo/Maison de la Culture. The Centre Chorégraphique National de Grenoble is financed the by the Ville de Grenoble, the Conseil Général de l'Isère, the Conseil Régional Rhône-Alpes and the Ministère de la Culture / DRAC Rhône-Alpes.

This guest performance is supported by the City of Essen and the Deutsch-Französische Kulturzentrum Essen e.V..

Photo: Guy Delahaye
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