Helgard Haug / Rimini Protokoll

  • A cooperation of IMPULSE THEATRE FESTIVAL and PACT Zollverein – With music by Barbara Morgenstern in collaboration with the Zafraan Ensemble
  • Performance

German with English surtitles


On the 8th of March 2014, flight MH370 disappeared from radar. In the same year, the father of the director and author began to disappear into dementia. Projected on a screen, she bids the audience a poetic, touching text encapsulating both stories. The only sounds to be heard on stage are those of the musicians.

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has been described as one of the greatest aviation mysteries of all time. To date, only individual pieces of wreckage have been found.

Shortly after the plane's disappearance, the director's father writes his grandson four greeting cards for his birthday. The following year, no card arrives at all. Later, the grandson's name is also forgotten, then the fact that there is a grandson, and eventually the certainty of his own person. Some relatives search for the remains of the father’s self, others have been calling an airline office every day for years to find out if there is any news.

Helgard Haug’s story tells of disappearance, of searching and of struggling with uncertainty. Projected onto a transparent screen, her words float above the musicians on stage. Barbara Morgenstern's music is an attempt to grasp the intangible in music. Defying dissolvement, chords become shrill and loud, rhythms shift, bar lines crumble.

What happens to theatre when it tells its stories in silence? ALL RIGHT. GOOD NIGHT. is a search for new languages of the stage.

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Concept, text, direction: Helgard Haug Composition: Barbara Morgenstern Orchestra: Zafraan Ensemble Hands: Johannes Benecke, Mia Rainprechter Speaker: Emma Becker, Evi Filippou, Margot Gödrös, Ruth Reinecke, Mia Rainprechter, Louise Stölting Stage: Evi Bauer Video/Light Design: Marc Jungreithmeier Sound Design: Peter Breitenbach Dirigat: Premil Petrović Arrangement: Davor Branimir Vincze Dramaturgy: Juliane Männel Outside Eye: Aljoscha Begrich Technical Management Touring: Martin Schwemin Research / assistant director: Lisa Homburger Costume and stage design assistance: Christine Ruynat  Sound engineering: Rozenn Lièvre Production manager: Louise Stölting

Zafraan Ensemble musicians on stage: Matthias Badczong (Klarinette), Evi Filippou (Schlagzeug), Josa Gerhard (Violin), Martin Posegga (Saxophon), Beltane Ruiz (Kontrabass)

Zafraan Ensemble musicians recoding: Josa Gerhard (Violin), Noa Niv (Posaune), Matthias Badczong (Klarinette), Liam Mallet (Flöte), Martin Posegga (Saxophon), Damir Bacikin (Trompete), Anna Viechtl (Harfe), Adam Weisman (Schlagzeug), Yumi Onda (Violine), Benedikt Bindewald (Viola Tonaufnahme), Maria Reich (Viola), Alice Dixon (Cello), Natalie Plöger (Kontrabass), Florian Juncker (Posaune)

A production by Rimini Apparat in co-production with HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, Volkstheater Vienna, The Factory Manchester, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt am Main and PACT Zollverein, Essen. Supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds and the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe. Thanks to Figurentheater Grashüpfer.

Performance rights: schaefersphilippen Theater und Medien GbR Music rights: Barbara Morgenstern © Maobeat Musikverlag/Budde Music Publishing GmbH


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25.05.2024, National Taichung Theater, Taichung (Taiwan)
24.05.2024, National Taichung Theater, Taichung (Taiwan)
11.02.2024, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)
10.02.2024, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)
09.02.2024, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)
08.02.2024, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)
13.01.2024, Santiago de Chile, Santiago a Mil (Chile)
12.01.2024, Santiago de Chile, Santiago a Mil (Chile)
11.01.2024, Santiago de Chile, Santiago a Mil (Chile)
29.08.2023, Zürcher Theaterspektakel, Zürich (CH)
28.08.2023, Zürcher Theaterspektakel, Zürich (CH)
27.08.2023, Zürcher Theaterspektakel, Zürich (CH)
08.08.2023, MIF, Manchester, (GBR)
07.08.2023, MIF, Manchester, (GBR)
06.08.2023, MIF, Manchester, (GBR)
27.05.2023, Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen, Hannover (GER)
26.05.2023, Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen, Hannover (GER)
19.03.2023, Screening@Tianqiao Performing Arts Centre, Beijing (CN)
09.02.2023, Theater Chur, Chur (CH)
07.12.2022, Festspiele Ludwigshafen, Ludwigshafen (GER)
06.12.2022, Festspiele Ludwigshafen, Ludwigshafen (GER)
23.09.2022, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
22.09.2022, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
21.09.2022, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
15.06.2022, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
14.06.2022, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
19.05.2022, 47. Mülheimer Theatertage, Mülheim (DE)
14.05.2022, Berliner Theatertreffen, HAU Hebel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)
13.05.2022, Berliner Theatertreffen, HAU Hebel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)
31.03.2022, Volkstheater, Wien (AT)
30.03.2022, Volkstheater, Wien (AT)
21.12.2021, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)
20.12.2021, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)
19.12.2021, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)
18.12.2021, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)
17.12.2021, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)
16.12.2021, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE)

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