Association for Black Art_ists
Archiving and Community building in Germany

  • Sat 20.11.21 18:30 h

In German.
Visitors will be required to document that they are either fully vaccinated or have recovered from a previous infection.


Please note: The event series is conceived as a safer space, offering a protected space for Black People. It is therefore open to Black People only.

›Archiving: Community building in Germany‹ invites various Black self-organizations and collectives to come together to explore questions of community building and collective archiving. After a discussion there will be food and music.

With: AfroDiaspora 2.0 e.V.  (Munich); Association for Black Art_ists e.V.  (Ruhr Area, Berlin, The Hague); Tmnit Ghide (Vienna, Berlin);  Kollektiv Schwarze Haus Düsseldorf; Association of Cameroonian Engineers and Computer Scientists e.V. (VKII) (Dortmund)

The event is part of the program ›Walgahi: Conversations On Black Archiving‹ – a series of conversations organized by the Association for Black Art_ists e.V. in November and December 2021. The series is hosted in cooperation with Interkultur Ruhr and PACT Zollverein and takes place in a hybrid format – whereas the first session will be an in-person event at PACT, the following sessions will be taking place on Zoom. 

As part of the Walgahi different people and organizations working around the topics of oral histories, collective memories and other forms of archiving are invited to share insights into their practices. The goal is to create an intergenerational space in which different approaches towards archiving in the African diaspora and the continent can be exchanged.

A project by the Association for Black Art_ists e.V. in cooperation with Interkultur Ruhr and PACT Zollverein

Logos of the supporters of the project: Regionalverband Ruhr, Interkultur Ruhr, Association for Black Art_ists, PACT

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