Heather Dewey-Hagborg
Artist Talk

  • Sat 13.07.19 12 h

Free admission

The transdisciplinary artist and edu­cator Heather Dewey­Hagborg is known for her critical and research-­based practice, which also incorporates biohacking. She garnered international attention with her biopolitical art pro­ject ›Stranger Visions‹ (2012—14), which consists of a series of portrait sculp­tures based on the analysis of the DNA found in discarded objects, such as hair, cigarettes and gum. With her ex­perimental film documentary ›T3511‹ (see p. 78), shown in the festival exhibition, she continues her look at the genetic evaluation of seemingly anony­mous biomaterials, which then become a source of erotic obsession. In this artist talk Dewey­-Hagborg discusses her approaches and current projects.

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