ATELIER No. 65 – Open Artist Studio
Meet our Guest Fellows

  • Fri 29.01.21Sun 31.01.21

Free admission

Livestream on Jan 29, 7pm: By viewing the video you will be directed to YouTube and agree that your data will be transmitted to Youtube and that you have read the privacy policy.

Mostly in German

With contributions by: Princela Biyaa, Marny Garcia Mommertz, Fayo Said, Lütfiye Güzel, caner teker, Lea Letzel, Khosrou Mahmoudi, Lex Rütten & Jana Kerima Stolzer

ATELIER No. 65 takes the form of a virtual studio visit during which artists taking part in PACT’s Guest Fellowship programme guide us through a range of their current projects. Established in response to the Corona crisis, this programme has recently enabled 20 international, regional and local artists to continue their artistic research and build new networks. The 65th edition of our ATELIER series now sees them coming together on a digital stage to offer viewers live insights into their research and works. Join us for artist talks, readings, film contributions and other diverse formats chosen by the artists to share and reflect on aspects of their highly varied and stimulating worlds of thought and action.



Lea letzel
Katrin Binner

Lea Letzel, ›Hanabi-Fu‹

As a scholarship holder of the Goethe-Institute in Kyoto, Japan, in 2019, Lea Letzel explored the culture and history of Japanese fireworks and, in the course of her research, came across the work of the chemist and fireworks designer Takeo Shimizu. Letzel was particularly fascinated by the fact that Shimizu brought the art of fireworks into conjunction with music: »Around 1956, Shimizu developed a notation system based on conventional Western musical notation. He called it ›Hanabi-Fu‹ - the fireworks score. Shimizu wanted to use this system to plan and document fireworks performances. He added small graphic additions to the notation, for example, to describe the different colours of effects.«

As part of the exhibition ›Inhabiting Basis‹ in autumn 2020 at the Frankfurt exhibition space, basis e.V. which is cooperation partner of the ›INHABIT‹ Artist in Residence Program of the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Lea Letzel performed her own arrangement of the fireworks score ›Hanabi-Fu‹ in collaboration with Akiko Ahrendt (violin), Florian Zwißler (analog synthesizer).

Als Teil der Ausstellung ›Inhabiting Basis‹ im Frankfurter Ausstellungsraum basis e.V. (Herbst 2020), die im Rahmen von ›INHABIT‹, dem Residenzprogrammm des Max Planck Instituts für empirische Ästhetik, stattfand, wurden die Feuerwerksnoten von Akiko Ahrendt (Geige), Florian Zwißler (analoge Synthesizer) und Lea Letzel (Pyrotechnik) zum Klingen gebracht.

Please note: By viewing the video you will be directed to YouTube and agree that your data will be transmitted to Youtube and that you have read the privacy policy.

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