›Car park picnic‹

  • Fri 06.09.19 17 h – 21 h

Free admission

Once again, the car park in front of the WerkStadt will be turned into a lively playground! Together with our friends and neighbours, the WerkStadt has put together a programme full of suprises and music.

More Events
  • Fri 25.04.25 20 h
  • Sat 26.04.25 20 h

Eszter Salamon with Sulekha Ali Omar and Safia Abdi Haase, Christine Nypan and Drude Haga, Erzsébet Gyarmati and Eszter Salamon

German premiere
  • Sat 03.05.25 18 h
  • Sun 04.05.25 16 h
  • Sat 10.05.25Sat 17.05.25

tanz nrw 25
Festival for contemporary dance