›Deep Access – molecular joy and abstract sex‹

  • Fri 12.07.19 14:30 h – 15:30 h

Free admission

In their most recent projects the artist duo knowbotiq examines political land­ scapes, focusing on algorithmic governmentalities, libidinous and affective economies, and postcolonial violence. Their work reveals the previously unparalleled circulation of biocapital and knowledge as posed against the immobility of the bodies that exist in precarious conditions and lack visibility and advocacy. Creationist articulations of life can be found in laboratories, under the scanning electron microscope. knowbotiq takes these situations as a starting point for reflecting on how ›man‹ and ›human‹ is being redefined and revalued under the dominance of omnipresent technology companies and the global consortium of science and the pharmaceutical industry. The everyday bodies that surround us are being reassessed; they are becoming molecular constellations, abstract and exchangeable entities. ›Molecular joy‹ and ›abstract sex‹ proliferate within the insatiable cycles of libidinal economies.

knowbotiq talks with Fabian Saavedra­ Lara about topics related to their installation ›Genesis Machines‹ and future artistic projects.

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