• Sat 30.09.23 15:30 h – 17 h

Free admission

Registration: info@medienwerk-nrw.de

Language: English

Location: Hall 6 Zeche Zollverein 

What is a dream? Where is the body when it sleeps? Can dreaming be a political or utopian practice? What is the aesthetic of sleep and dreaming, what reality does it create? The surrealists believed in dreaming as an access to the unconscious. Today's performative and media arts seem to refer to dreaming as a specific mode of being-in-the-world. Ben J. Riepe's workshop creates a choreographic dream journey.

Following the ›dream/worlds‹ workshop, Maren Butte, Haytham El-Wardany and Ben J. Riepe will discuss the connections between dream worlds and digital worlds in a joint conversation: Which is about the relationship between the body senses, dreams and media.

Registration at: info@medienwerk-nrw.de

Please note that the workshop and talk will take place in Hall 6 at the Zollverein site, and not in the PACT premises.

As part of Peer to Peer – A Month of Media Art in NRW.

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