Juha Leppänen
Humble Government

  • As part of the 1/2/8 Research Forum – Spot on Governance
  • Lecture
  • Thu 07.12.23 19 h

Free admission

Registration: service@pact-zollverein.de

The lecture will be held in English.

Liberal Democracies are facing unprecedented societal challenges. A global Pandemic, ecological crises, technological disruption, and Tectonic shifts in the world economy have created new, intertwined threats to their stability. Political hyper-polarization further escalates these threats by hampering the capacity of democratic governments to build sustainable paths forward. To retain legitimacy, Liberal Democracies must find new ways of creating solutions and enabling ambitious reforms despite political gridlock. This is why Juha Leppänen, the Chief Executive of the think tank Demos Helsinki, has recently collaborated with the Prime Minister’s Office of Finland and Prof. Charles Sabel from Columbia Law School to propose an approach to the process of political policymaking that aims to renew how governments steer and regulate societies through collaboration and iteration. Juha Lepännen presents this approach of 'Humble Governance' in his lecture at PACT.

As part of the 1/2/8 Research Forum – Spot on Governance.

A project within the framework of The Alliance of International Production Houses, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Juha Leppänen serves as the Chief Executive of Demos Helsinki. With a mission to build a fair, sustainable and joyful next era, Leppänen advises national and local governments, multilateral organisations and NGOs, mainly in Europe, the US and Latin America, on how to anticipate and lead key transformations of our century. He has written extensively on the need for 21st century governance, focusing on democratic innovations, institutional imagination, and methodical experimentalism. Juha Leppänen consistently advocates for an ambitious agenda in addressing collective issues such as the climate crisis, digital transformation, and inequality and inequality. Through a series of publications, he offers tangible solutions to these topics for both existing and new institutional actors.



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