Philippe Quesne

  • Thu 11.11.10 20:30 h

›L'Effet de Serge‹ somehow communicates the essence of theater itself. It demonstrates how the simplest object, the merest gesture, can produce wonder. The Village Voice Every Sunday Serge, a lonely oddball, invites friends round to his flat to show them his peculiar special-effects shows: ›Rolling Effect on Music by Handel‹, ›Laser Effect on Music by John Cage‹ and ›Light Effect on Music by Wagner‹. The guests acknowledge these glorious yet unspectacular little moments with sympathetic if slightly awkward embarrassment. Theatre, performance and the fine arts come together in a congenial alliance in internationally-celebrated director Philippe Quesne’s work. He not only exposes theatre as theatre, he also unmasks the great human quests that are destined to fail: understanding nature, making art, saving the world.

Concept, direction and stage design: Philippe Quesne With: Gaëtan Vourc’h, Isabelle Angotti, Rodolphe Auté, Yvan Clédat, Juri Czyborra , Jurga Imbrasaite, Friedrich Lenzing and Christina Müllenmeister Production: Vivarium Studio Co-production: La Ménagerie de Verre – Paris Supported by: Le Forum - scène conventionnée de Blanc-Mesnil und Festival actOral montévidéo - Marseille Vivarium Studio is supported by DRAC Ile de France (French Ministry of Culture) The performances at PACT Zollverein are supported by the Institut francais d´Allemagne / Théâtre et Danse, Culturesfrance and by the French Ministery of culture and communication/DGCA. Photo: © Pierre Grosbois

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