• Fri 13.09.02 20 h
  • Sat 14.09.02 20 h
Two highly contrasting cultures brought face to face with a taboo subject: at the invitation of the Goethe Institutes Inter Nationes, the Scottish dancer and choreographer, Mark Sieczkarek, made the production ›Living with Aids‹ with the Ghanaian dance ensemble ›Dance Factory‹ in Accra. 
With a vibrant young cast of 15 dancers, Sieczkarek approaches the subject of the globally endemic Aids virus in a sensitive and widely accessible manner.
He uses deeply grounded movements and creates moving visual sequences that, accompanied by Ghanaian drumming, seem to suggest strange rituals. Weightlessly, he draws on everyday situations and infers them with sensual and emotionally captivating form.

›Living with Aids‹ is followed on this programme by the Mark Sieczkarek Company in ›Drops of rain in perfect days of June‹ and ›Funky drummer‹.
Choreography: Mark Sieczkarek (2002)
Dance: Francis Adjetey, Benjamin Afortey, Mansah Agbeshie, Issac Allotey, Anastasia Apetor, Josephine Bossman, Jonathan Buckels, Anderson Casagrande, Leonard Cruz, Marjorie Delagado, Emmanuel Hoenyefia, Lawrence Kudemor, Mark Lomotey, Camillo Milton, Ali Mohammed, Alexandra Morales, Eun-Sik Park, Frank Sam, Mark Sieczkarek, Telma de Souza, Szilvi Szephegyi, Fati Thairu
Music: Joseph Dagadu, Prince Johnson, Charles Konu, Mustapha Tettey Addy, Virada, Macondo und Quizumba
Music collage: Daniel Smith
Light: Roger Irman, Martin Croes
Stage / Costumes: Mia Declier, Mark Sieczkarek

Co-operation with the Ringlokschuppen, Mülheim, supported by the Goethe Institut Inter Nationes
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