Making flags, showing flag
A flag design workshop with Clarisse Akouala

  • Sun 18.06.23 12:30 h – 16:30 h

Free admission

The workshop is suitable for young people aged 12 and over. No previous experience required.

Venue: WerkStadt, Viktoriastr. 5, 45327 Essen

Register here

You can find them in front of town halls, embassies or theatres. Every country has its own. Every stadium too. At sea they help sailors communicate and, on the beach, they show us whether it’s safe to swim or not. Flags! Behind every flag is a story. What story would you like to tell? Who would you like to make a flag for? For you and your friends, your street or your football club? Or maybe for something that doesn't even exist yet. The flag of your personal dream city or your future favourite place? Come along to the flag design workshop with Clarisse Akouala and create your very own flag. All materials are provided. No previous experience required.

For children over 10 years of age and adults.

WerkStadt, Viktoriastr. 5, 45327 Essen

Register via:

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