Jens Hauser / Aliens in Green / Špela Petrič
›Microperformativity and Biomediality‹

  • Fri 12.07.19 16 h – 17:30 h

Free admission

The term microperformativity was coined to emphasize the attention that has been recently paid to non-human agencies (biological and technical). It challenges the mesoscopic tradition in which our phenomenological concepts remain rooted. At a time when performance art, which largely involves human bodies, is shifting towards a general performativity in art, the notion of the body is redefined and the focus is shifted from physical gestures to physiological processes and from staged diegetic time to the real performative time of an experiment. As a result, principles of biomediality take the stage as part of an epistemological turn in artistic practices inspired by the techno­sciences.

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