Naoko Tanaka
Milliarden Jahre Widerhall

  • Fri 21.06.24 20 h
  • Sat 22.06.24 20 h

For the performance of ›Milliarden Jahre Widerhall‹ we offer early boarding. This involves advance admission to the stage area. The offer is aimed at people who may require the opportunity to experience the conditions of the venue in advance and to find a suitable seat in relation to their own needs. Registration for early boarding:

The performance has a duration of 35 minutes, following which visitors can freely explore the exhibition.


›Milliarden Jahre Widerhall‹ (Echoes of billions of years) is a performative exhibition that reflects on the elemental and ambivalent relationship between humans and the environment – extending to their alienation. Naoko Tanaka's work begins with her journeys into the contaminated exclusion zone of Fukushima – a place where radioactive radiation sets invisible processes in motion on an immense scale. Each standalone performative, cinematic, drawn, and installative component of the work collaboratively creates a resonance space, wherein the echo of human influences on the Earth takes on a tangible sensory presence.

The minimal compositions in the performance of Milliarden Jahre Widerhall sharpen perception and take the audience on a sensory expedition: A floating sheath of foil creates the impression of softly flowing currents and ocean waves, drawing the gaze into the past and the deeply buried. In a stop-motion film, real encounters in Fukushima between humans, animals, and other elements of nature transform into magical narratives. Thus, the concepts of creation, natural forces, and human images stand in stark contrast to conventional storytelling methods.

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Artistic direction, installation, video, performance, sound, text:Naoko Tanaka Assistant: Isabel Garcia Espino Dramaturgical collaboration: Dandan Liu Lighting and Technical support: Felix Grimm Production management: Paula Häfele

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