Martin Nachbar
nach hause

  • Sat 07.05.11 21 h

Through improvising and experimenting, choreographer Martin Nachbar, composer Benjamin Schweitzer and their team, created music and movement in an egalitarian exchange between the two genres. Subsequently, they used their material to realize a work with a concrete thematic idea. Both artists research source was the failed North Pole expedition undertaken by the Swedish engineer S.A. Andrée in 1897. ›nach Hause‹ takes up on aspects of this journey and dares to cast a heterogeneous team into the unknown – a journey with a planned course which is, nonetheless, unforeseeable in detail…

Martin Nachbar is a dancer and choreographer and writes for various dance magazines. He trained at SNDO in Amsterdam, in New York and at P.A.R.T.S.. He is a graduate of The Amsterdam Master of Choreography (AMCh) and founding member of the collective B.D.C./ Plischke. He has created numerous works including collaborations with, amongst others, Jochen Roller and Martine Pisani. In 2008, Nachbar completed his reconstruction of Dore Hoyer’s ›Affectos Humanos‹ which culminated in his production ›Urheben Aufheben‹.

Benjamin Schweitzer was born in Marburg in 1973. Following preliminary studies at the HfM Lübeck, he studied composition with Wilfried Krätzschmar, music theory and conducting with Christian Kluttig at the Hochschule für Musik, Dresden, as well as with Paavo Heininen at the Sibelius Academy, Helsinki. He has received numerous awards and grants for his works including in 2010 a one year grant from the EHF-Trustee-Fund of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

Choreography: Martin Nachbar

Music: Benjamin Schweitzer (concept) und Anubis-Trio: Sascha Friedl (flutes), Joachim Striepens (contrabass clarinet/soprano saxophones), Nikolaus Schlierf (viola)

Dance: Adaline Anobile, Ehud Darash, Rodrigo Sobarzo

Light: Wassan Ali

Costumes: Marion Montel

Coach: Jeroen Peeters

Production management: Susanne Beyer

Artistic and production assistance: Georg Döcker

Rehearsal direction: Fernando Belfiore

Duration: approx. 50 minutes

Production: Martin Nachbar.

Co-production: FFT Düsseldorf, Sophiensaele Berlin

Funding: Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Kunststiftung NRW

Photo: © Gerhard F. Ludwig

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