Diana Niepce
The Other Side of Dance

  • Fri 25.10.24 20 h
  • Sat 26.10.24 20 h

An artist talk with Diana Niepce will take place after the performance on 25 October.

Recommended age: 12 years and older

Please note: Loud and shrill noises are part of the performance.

Duration: 35 minutes

For the performances we offer early boarding. This involves advance admission to the stage area. The offer is aimed at people who may require the opportunity to experience the conditions of the venue in advance and to find a suitable seat in relation to their own needs. Registration for early boarding: service@pact-zollverein.de


»I would like to talk about what we hide. For nearly my entire life I have not existed because I felt guilty about having to exist in a body that was not my own.« Diana Niepce

In earlier works, dancer, choreographer and acrobat Diana Niepce explored the process of her recovery from a fall from a trapeze that left her with a spinal cord injury. As a performer she has since sought out new ways of expressing herself that challenge the audience to interrogate aesthetic body norms. In her solo piece ›The Other Side of Dance‹ she analyses the hierarchical principles according to which a body moves and breaks with the laws of physics. Using minimal means and occasional biting sarcasm, she stages her non-normative body not as victim but as a revolutionary entity. Inspired by the movement language of several disabled choreographers, she creates an alternative archive of dance history that makes visible what was previously unseen.

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Artistic direction: Diana Niepce Creative Assistance: Ana Sofia Leite Performers: Diana Niepce, Ana Sofia Leite Research Assistance: Carlos Oliveira Music: Gonçalo Alegria Light design: Carlos Ramos Costumes: Silvana Ivaldi Scenography: Bruno Capucho Rigging: Ricardo Paz, Telma Pinto Light operation: Roger Madureira Sound operation: Diogo Melo Production Manager: Joana Costa Santos Production: As Niepce’s Distribution: Something Great Artist residency: PACT Zollverein (DE), Biblioteca de Marvila - CML, O Espaço do Tempo, Estúdios Victor Córdon, Oliva Creative Factory – CMSJM, Teatro da Cerca de São Bernardo Co-production: Citemor Festival, Produção d’Fusão Financed by: Direcção Geral das Artes - Ministério da Cultura, Fundação GDA

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