Plateau Effect

  • Fri 24.01.14 20 h
  • Sat 25.01.14 20 h

In his first commission for the Cullberg Ballet, Jefta van Dinther continues his research on synaesthesia - the synchronisation of several physically separated areas of sensitivity into one sensory impression – which he began in 2011 with his award winning production ›GRIND‹ which was co-produced by PACT Zollverein. Created with nine soloists of the renowned Swedish Company, ›Plateau Effect‹ is a startling and seductive amalgam of movement, matter, light and sound which questions the instability and dynamics of environments and seeks to disorient and challenge the viewer’s perception. The soundscape for ›Plateau Effect‹ is by David Kiers with lighting design by Minna Tiikkainen.

Before Saturday’s performance, Lisa Drake will hold a talk about the history of the Cullberg ballet at 19 h.

Choreography: Jefta van Dinther

Set design: SIMKA

Lighting design: Minna Tiikkainen

Sound design: David Kiers 

Vocals: Sigridur 

Rehearsal director, assistant to the choreographer: Thomas Zamolo

Artistic advisors: Frédéric Gies, Kristine Slettevold, Robert Steijn

Costume assistance: Camilla Carlström, Malin Eriksson

Cullberg Ballet is part of Riksteatern, Sweden's National Touring Theatre

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