Public Cartographies

  • Thu 27.10.11 19 h


The Ruhr is a region that has derived its identity from the industrial revolution: a watershed equipped with massive infrastructure for the transformation of minerals and fossil fuels into goods and services. m7red open up a discussion on how regions in the process of changing can be "visualized" by showcasing the process of building a public cartography to represent another region that is shifting from an industrial wasteland into a complex environmental entity. The Matanzas Riachuelo river basin is the most polluted area in South America. Located in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires and with a human population of five million people living along its shores, it is becoming a new urban assemblage that is already testing environmentally based governance models, the delivering of public information, the sustainability of productive procedures and future citizenship. An interactive map of the basin and a video will be presented at the lecture.

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