Mia Smettan / Charlotte Hitzfelder (Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie)
Re-caring society - feminist and growth critical perspectives on economics

  • As part of 1/2/8 – Spot on economies
  • Workshop
  • Sat 02.10.21 10 h – 15 h

In German with English translation.

Visitors will be required to document that they are either fully vaccinated, have recovered from a previous infection or have been tested negative (48hrs).

Binding registration: service@pact-zollverein.de

fully booked

So, what do you do? Even when meeting someone for the first time, the question of what we do for a living often comes up. Work determines who we are and whether we count for anything. But what if we don't earn money or have an awkward job? What if we are raising a child or mopping the floor of a hospital? Economy encompasses the totality of all forms of labour – including cooking, cleaning, accompanying children and tending to those in need of care. Yet these functions often remain unrecognised as a form of work and are rarely valued in our growth-oriented society. Mostly performed by women, they are also closely linked to gender inequality and role attributions. What would a society that centres on care work look like? Can a society function without growth? And if so, how? Which opportunities does post-growth discourse offer in terms of a fairer distribution of care work?

The workshop will provide an in-depth insight into existing inequalities in relation to care work, globalised care relations and growth critique. Using participatory methods and projects from the field, it invites discussion on possible alternatives. All genders are welcome.

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  • Fri 28.02.25 20 h
  • Sat 01.03.25 20 h

Alex Baczyński-Jenkins
Malign Junction (Goodbye, Berlin)

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