Launch Event

  • Fri 13.05.22 18:30 h

Free admission

Registration for participation in the event:

The ›Mind the Game‹ research project brings together computer game industry and AI researchers, design and game scholars to explore and develop scenarios for game-based AI methods, epistemology, aesthetics, and strategies for hiding and highlighting AI. ›Mind the Game‹ is a research project of the Folkwang University of the Arts, RWTH Aachen, Leuphana University Lüneburg and University of Paderborn.

The launch of ›THE SPACE BETWEEN‹ on May 13, 2022, at PACT Zollverein will mark the ceremonial conclusion of the research project. We cordially invite you to join us in a conversation about the diverse research results while enjoying sparkling wine, appetizers and electronic music.

The website bundles interdisciplinary video and audio contributions, as well as individual formats such as lectures or dialogic formats such as roundtable discussions and ear-to-ear talks, which address the question of the interconnectedness of artificial intelligence and games from very different perspectives within the framework of the research project’s main topics: How can we describe the interrelational relationships between humans and AI systems in computer games? Which performances, actions and interactions between user and AI can be observed? What notion of intelligence do we need in light of these interrelationships? What role does the random and indeterminate play?

In addition to scientific approaches from the fields of philosophy, computer science, media, and social sciences, and related disciplines, the content is also complemented by artistic formats. There will be an interactive online performance by the Berlin-based theater group Interrobang called ›the philosophizing machine‹. Via an interface, one has the possibility to talk verbally with long-dead philosophers, such as Hannah Arendt or Ernst Bloch, whereby the spoken contributions are, of course, an AI that speaks, so to speak, through original sound collages. In addition, there is a virtual exhibition in which we gather visual works – primarily by students of the Folkwang University of the Arts – each of which deals in very different ways with the possibilities of playful collaboration that can be entered into with algorithmically based technologies.

The website can be found here as of May 13:

Registration for participation in the event:

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