• Fri 22.03.19Sun 24.03.19

According to the poet Rainer Maria Rilke, spring holds a hundred wonders. Join us for this year’s edition of PACT’s Spring Festival when we’ll be celebrating some of these wonders and more in the company of three vibrant performance positions. In ›Flowers (we are)‹ choreographer Claire Croizé and composer Matteo Fargion playfully and irreverently combine the baroque tones of Johann Sebastian Bach with influences from contemporary pop music and the lyrical writings of Rilke to create a poetic encounter of a most unlikely kind. Xavier Le Roy makes a welcome return to present his new, exhilarating version of ›Le sacre du printemps‹, which was recently shown at the Venice Biennale, and the Dutch collective De Spiegel make stop with their wondrous musical experience for young audiences ›Beat the Drum!‹ which promises enchanting visuals, shadow plays and sound experiments that will fascinate the whole family.


FRI 22.03. | 20 h
Xavier Le Roy
›Le sacre du printemps‹ (2018)
Dance / Performance
German premiere


SAT 23.03. | 20 h
Claire Croizé / ECCE
›Flowers (we are)‹
Dance / Performance / Music
German premiere

SUN 24.03. | 15 h
De Spiegel

›Beat the Drum!‹
Music / Performance / For children

More Events
  • Tue 18.02.25 16:30 h – 18 h
  • Tue 25.02.25 16:30 h – 18 h
  • Tue 04.03.25 16:30 h – 18 h
  • Fri 28.02.25 20 h
  • Sat 01.03.25 20 h

Alex Baczyński-Jenkins
Malign Junction (Goodbye, Berlin)

German premiere
  • Fri 07.03.25 19 h

Experimental platform for the arts